

The Savannah Cat

The Savannah cat is a tall, thin, long-legged cat whose final size may also rely on its proximity to the first generation crossings — the early generations were fairly enormous. Male Savannah cats are often bigger than female Savannah cats. Due to the random characteristics inherent in the mixed genetics of the Savannah cat breed, there can be substantial diversity in size within a single litter. The general appearance of a Savannah cat is very generational. They are often spotted, but may also be found in classic or marble patterns, as well as in snow hues and blue or other diluted colours. The ears are tall, deeply cupped, rounded, and upright (the backs of the ears have a centre bright strip bordered by black, dark grey, or brown, creating an eye-like image), the nose is broad, and the eyes are hooded. Their short tails are ringed with black and have a complete black tip, and their eyes might be green, brown, or gold in colour.


Savannah cats are rather contentious. They are the offspring of a domestic cat and a Serval – a wild African cat of medium size with huge ears. These first crossings are then repeated, and the ensuing domestic cats are referred to as domestic. The breed dates all the way back to the mid-1980s and is recognised by one of the cat fancier organisations.


Due to the rarity of Savannah cats, generalisations concerning their personality traits and predictability are impossible. While some cats and dogs are extremely sociable and friendly with strangers and other cats and dogs, others may flee and hide or resort to hissing and growling when approached by a stranger. Savannah cats, it appears, can also leap quite high (8ft) from a standing posture and are quick learners. This is most likely not the first cat. It is fairly huge and robust, usually being described as 'aggressive'. Savannahs are supposed to chirp in the manner of a Serval or meow in the manner of a domestic cat, or a combination of the two. Additionally, they are supposed to hiss fairly loudly.