

About The Dachshund

Dachshund Dog Breed

This is a familiar long-backed, short-legged dog of small stature. Despite its little size, the Miniature Smooth-Haired Dachshund breed is robust and solidly built, with a deep, broad chest and well-developed forelegs. Their coat is short, thick, and silky, and comes in a variety of colours.

Dachshunds are a lovely addition to any household, regardless of size, which is why they have been towards the top of most popular dog lists since the 1950s. Because of its adorable look and active nature, the breed has earned numerous endearing nicknames, including wiener dog, hot dog, sausage dog, Doxie, Dashie, and (particularly in Germany) Teckels, Dachels, or Dachsels.

When you see a confident Dachshund, you can't help but grin as he proudly carries his long, strong body on small legs, his extended head held high with a brave, intelligent gaze in his eyes. Dachshunds have long been a favourite topic of cartoonists and toy designers due to their almost ludicrous look. However, their adorable look was created for far more serious and utilitarian purposes. Their small legs let them to dig and navigate through tunnels in order to corner and battle badgers and other animals, while their big chests provide lots of "heart" for the fight. Dachshunds are courageous, yet they can be obstinate and independent, especially while hunting.

Dachshunds frequently form close bonds with a single individual. They may even get envious of their owner's attention and become irritable if not properly taught and socialised.

Dachshunds are an excellent alternative for apartment dwellers and those without a backyard. They are popular among city inhabitants because to their compact size and simplicity of maintenance. They are often busy indoors and like going on walks. Just make sure they don't become too big or damage their backs by jumping off furniture. Also, when you're holding them, be sure to support their backs. Because of their long backs, they are prone to slipping or ruptured (herniated) discs in their backs, which can cause partial or complete paralysis.

Because Dachshunds are such a popular breed, many individuals breed them for profit rather than out of a love for the breed and a desire to create healthy, well-behaved dogs. Make sure you get your Dachshund from a reputable breeder that screens his or her breeding dogs for temperament and health issues.


Dachshunds originated in 15th-century Germany. However, Dachshund-type dogs have been shown in ancient Egyptian and Mexican art, and the remains of a similar dog were discovered in Italy among shipwreck fragments dating from the first century AD. German breed standards were established in 1879, and the breed club was founded in 1888. Dachshunds were brought to Great Britain by Prince Albert and quickly gained popularity in both Britain and America throughout the nineteenth century. To flush rabbits from their warrens, miniature Dachshunds were utilised in place of ferrets.


This dog may be rather self-sufficient and requires gentle, persistent, and careful training. Miniature Smooth Haired Dachshunds require early socialisation to become used to youngsters, strangers, and other animals. They are a breed that develops strong attachments to their family, generally to a single member, yet they can be reticent with strangers.

The Dachshund is ideal for an owner who may lack room but want a strong-willed, resolute, one-person dog who will accompany them everywhere - since the Dachshund is not a fan of being left alone.

The Dachshund is regarded as intelligent, active, and brave to the point of recklessness. He's been bred for perseverance, which is another way of saying he's obstinate. Dachshunds are known for being lively and bold, but what they really want is to cuddle with their owners. This trait, for many Dachshund owners, surpasses having to cope with the breed's insistence on having his own way. The personality of a Dachshund can also differ depending on coat type. Because wirehaired Dachshunds are descended from terriers, they may be naughty troublemakers. Longhairs are calm and peaceful, whereas Smooths have an in-between disposition. Some Mini Dachshunds are frightened or shy, however this is not typical of the breed. Avoid puppies who exhibit these traits.

Dachshunds, like other dogs, require early socialization—exposure to a variety of people, sights, noises, and experiences—when they are young. Socialization ensures that your Dachshund puppy develops into a well-rounded dog. Enrolling him in puppy kindergarten is a terrific place to start. Inviting guests over on a regular basis, as well as taking him to busy parks, stores that accept dogs, and on leisurely strolls to meet neighbours, can help him improve his social abilities.

A variety of variables influence temperament, including inheritance, training, and socialisation. Puppies with good temperaments are interested and lively, eager to approach and be held by people. Choose the puppy in the midst of the pack, not the one that is tearing up his littermates or cowering in the corner. Always meet at least one of the parents—usually the mother is the one who is available—to confirm that they have pleasant personalities with which you are comfortable. Meeting the parents siblings or other relatives is also beneficial in determining what a puppy will be like as he grows up.


Dachshunds have a lot of energy and stamina. They enjoy going for walks or playing outside with other dogs, as well as hunting and digging. They are also active inside and may thrive in compact living spaces if they get a reasonable amount of daily movement. Two half-mile walks (approximately 10 minutes each) each day is about right. When time is limited, a game of fetch will satisfy their demand for action.

If properly motivated, Dachshunds may learn rapidly. To maintain their attention, use positive reinforcement such as food prizes or a favourite toy, and keep training sessions brief. If the Dachshund is forced to perform the same activity over and again, he will grow bored soon, so make obedience practise enjoyable and engaging.

Housetraining might be a challenge for this breed at times. A Dachshund may not feel the need to relieve himself outside. Patience and perseverance are required. Crate training is also beneficial.

The Dachshund is an excellent watchdog, but he may be loud. Miniatures, in particular, are prone to yapping. If your Dachshund will be living in an apartment or condo complex, keep this in mind.


Dachshunds get along well with youngsters in their own family if they are exposed to them at a young age. They may not be as fond of your children's pals, so keep an eye on them during playing.

Because of his long back, the Dachshund can easily hurt if not handled properly. Make it a rule that small children may only hold or pet the Dachshund while seated on the floor. Constantly educate youngsters how to approach and touch dogs, and always monitor any interactions between dogs and small children to avoid biting or ear or tail tugging on either party's side. Teach your youngster never to approach a sleeping or eating dog or to try to grab the dog's food. No dog should ever be left alone with a youngster.

Dachshunds get along nicely with other pets, especially if introduced to them when they are puppies. They may be the top dog due to their brash, dominant attitudes.