
Staffordshire Bull Terrier

About The Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog Breed

The ever-popular Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a muscular, smooth-coated dog that combines the characteristics of a 'bull' and a 'terrier' in his physical appearance and provides the impression of power and agility.

With its robust, muscular build, piercing eye, and commanding attitude, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier may be an intimidating dog. Many people are drawn to the breed because it appears to be a rugged dog, but they are shocked to realise that the Stafford is a sensitive and affectionate companion that prefers to play over being harsh. He views life as a wonderful journey that must be lived to the utmost.

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are popular due to their small to medium stature, short, easy-care coat, and active yet sensitive attitude. He resembles other bull breeds, such as American Staffordshire Terriers and American Pit Bull Terriers, with his short, broad head and muscular physique, but he is a breed unto himself, with particular physical qualities that mark him apart, such as size and ear shape.

The Stafford is well-known for his friendliness and dependability.  His greatest desire is to spend time with his people, whether it's vegging out on the sofa and watching football, running errands in the car, going for walks, or participating in activities like agility, flyball, obedience, and therapy work.

This athletic and lively dog will want a brisk walk every day, as well as lots of attention during downtime. He dislikes being left on his own. Staffordshire Bull Terriers should not be left alone outside or at home for extended periods of time without human interaction.


The Staffordshire Bull Terrier's origins date all the way back to the 1800s, when bull and bear baiting was prohibited. A new 'sport' was invented — dog fighting – and Bulldogs and Terriers were crossed to create the Bull and Terrier, the ancestor of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Popular with all classes, including the Victorian working class, the 'Stafford' was frequently nurtured in tight, crowded quarters with many families - this may account for his generally pleasant disposition toward people of all ages.


A properly bred and socialised Staffordshire Bull Terrier should have an excellent temperament and be particularly good-natured (if not a little rowdy!) around humans. Staffordshire Bull Terriers, on the other hand, can be less than friendly with other dogs or animals, however this is highly dependent on his early socialisation and training.

While some Staffordshire Terriers coexist well with other dogs and cats, some are unable to be walked off-lead in situations where they may encounter another dog. Socialization, both early and continuing, is critical.

Socialization ensures that your Stafford puppy develops into a well-rounded dog. Enrolling him in puppy kindergarten is a terrific place to start. Inviting guests over on a regular basis, as well as taking him to busy parks, stores that accept dogs, and on leisurely strolls to meet neighbours, can help him improve his social abilities.

A true Stafford is never shy or snarly, even when they are just a few weeks old. He is lively and eager in whatever he does, and he is always attentive, even when he is sleeping. The disposition of this breed has been described as rough, courageous, stubborn, and curious.

He is an excellent protector of his family because of his people-loving disposition, but he is less inclined to be protective of things. However, because he is so sensitive and interested in people, he will constantly notify you to the presence of undesired or unwelcome visitors.

A variety of variables influence temperament, including inheritance, training, and socialisation. Puppies with good temperaments are interested and lively, eager to approach and be held by people. Choose the puppy in the midst of the pack, not the one that is tearing up his littermates or cowering in the corner. Always meet at least one of the parents, generally the mother, to confirm that they have pleasant temperaments with which you are comfortable.

Training & Care

As long as he receives daily exercise, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is an excellent companion dog. He should reside indoors and have access to a properly fenced yard. Staffords, like other terriers, are diggers, thus fences should be reinforced by embedding them in concrete or burying chicken wire at the bottom to prevent escapes. This breed is not appropriate for underground electrical fencing. If a Stafford sees another dog entering his area, he will disregard the shock, and the lack of a firm barrier allows other dogs to access the yard, which may lead to a violent conflict.

The Stafford's activity needs can be met by two or three half-hour to one-hour walks or playtimes each day. Train his mind or entertain him with enjoyable activities.

Housetraining comes naturally to the Stafford if you are persistent and stick to a programme. Crate training aids in this process by preventing your Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy from chewing on inappropriate items or otherwise getting into mischief when you are not around to monitor. A box also provides him with a secure area to go to when he is feeling overwhelmed or fatigued. Never use a crate as a punishment device.

Leash training is also essential, especially as your Stafford will be a strong puller despite his little stature. Good leash manners are critical to the health of your muscles, your enjoyment, and the safety of your Stafford. Never leave him unattended in areas where he can encounter unfamiliar dogs or other animals. He has a tremendous prey drive and will chase you if you don't contain him.

This breed requires early and regular socialisation, especially if you want your Staffordshire Bull Terrier to be sociable to other animals. Puppy socialisation courses are a terrific place to start, but it doesn't have to stop there. Visit as many dog-friendly establishments, parks, and activities as you can.


The Stafford is appropriate for families with children, although despite his well-known compassion and tenderness, he should always be watched in the company of toddlers or small children. He can be rowdy and may inadvertently knock over tiny toddlers.

When reared around other dogs and cats, some Staffords get along nicely. They may need more of an adjustment time as adults before they accept the companionship of another dog. Choose a dog of the opposite sex to secure the finest possible bond. Introduce yourself at a neutral location away from your house.